Shower 70 mm (2.5”) dia with shower arm | F7020104AB
Shower 125 mm dia (5") with 200 mm (8”) long shower arm and wall flange | F7010212AB
Shower 100 mm dia (4") with 200 mm (8”) long shower arm and wall flange | F7010213AB
Shower 80 mm dia (3”) with 200 mm (8”) long shower arm and wall flange | F7020108AB
Shower SS 100 mm dia (4'') with 200 mm (8”) long shower arm and wall flange | F7020109SS
Shower SS 100 x 100 mm dia (4" x 4'') with 200 mm (8”) long shower arm and wall flange | F7020110SS
Shower 85 mm (3.5”) dia with single flow and shower arm | F7020102AB
Shower 125 x 125 mm dia (5" x 5'') with 200 mm (8”) long shower arm and wall flange | F7020111AB
Shower 70 mm (2.5”) dia with 235 mm (10.5”) long shower arm | F7020103AB
Shower 120 mm (5”) dia with 3 flow | F7020305AB
Shower 80 mm (3”) dia with 3 flow | F7020303AB
Shower 95 mm (4”) dia with 3 flow | F7020304AB
Rain shower SS 400 x 400 mm (16" x 16") | F7010108SS
Rain shower SS 400 mm dia (16") | F7010208SS
Rain shower SS 300 x 300 mm (12" x 12") | F7010109SS
Rain shower SS 300 mm dia (12") | F7010209SS
Rain shower SS 200 x 200 mm (8" x 8") | F7010110SS
Rain shower SS 200 mm dia (8") | F7010210SS
Rain shower SS 150 x 150 mm (6" x 6") | F7010111SS
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